Tuesday, September 30, 2008



Climate change
(Global warming)

Global warming is it happening and is it because of us?
I have mixed feelings about global warming, will it really happen is it our entire fault or is it a natural occurrence I don’t know.
Global warming is the thickening the atmosphere and when the suns rays come through the atmosphere they are trapped and cannot get back out so they stay on earth heating it up, melting the glaciers, flooding the low lands, and making storms more severe.
There are reasons for global warming like pollution caused by us and our resources and part of it could be a natural occurrence but I am not sure what will happen.
I don’t know if global warming can be stopped but it can’t hurt to stop polluting and be more eco friendly. If global warming is natural there will probably not be a way to stop it, but if we don’t try there won’t be a chance of stopping global warming.